Introductions and Determining Value Alignment
Conduct an interview with your potential steward partner(s).
Resource to Review:
Gain a better understanding of how one’s land and business can commit and contribute to regenerative agriculture.
Gather information and data from the steward to inform the creation of a plan or set of recommendations.
Present farmers with tailored learnings and recommendations for their land and business as they move forward on their regenerative journeys.
Frequently Asked Questions, go-to resources and credits for this Curriculum.
The Planning Process
Mad Agriculture’s regenerative stewardship course plan helps stewards discover their regenerative path forward. By putting ideas into action and guiding the learning process during a transition to regenerative organic agriculture, the following steps can help you build ecological health and wealth on your farm and ensure that it lives up to the standards you have set to achieve–all while maintaining a successful land-based business.
The process is divided into three phases: Discover and Define, Develop, and Deliver (see below).
Through each of these phases, we help you:
Define where you want to go financially and ecologically.
Define what you want to learn about your farm.
Decide what you want to continue to do and what you want to stop doing.
Measure outcomes.
Understand what your management is doing to promote ecological health on your farm.
Conduct an interview with your potential steward partner(s).
Resource to Review:
Share this framework with the steward, which details the many connections between the steward, the resources they manage, and the community they need support from to have success.
Resource to Review:
Create a clear vision for the land and business with the steward. This will become the guiding document for formulating a plan that supports the vision. Additionally, map the land base for reference throughout the planning process.
Use SWOT analysis to help the steward articulate their current strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities.
Resource to Review
Use the Energy Level Framework to understand what energy level the steward is operating under throughout the planning process.
Resource to Review