Have you ever sensed something uncontainable inside you? Something that is not yourself emerging within yourself. Perhaps, you can recognize it as a feeling of yourself coming into being. As you look into the well of yourself, you can sense your own genius overflowing. What magic lies within your own soup of possibility? What might the unison between your inner life and the outer world yield? Whatever genius you find in there, it’s simple, beautiful, and magical; it is not about command and all-knowing, but about wonder and newness. Upwelling. Speciation in real time.
Want to submit a story or photos to the Journal?
The Journal is a place to showcase the art of the new agrarian culture. Through writing, photography, poetry, and more, this is where the culture, the nuance, the observations and the science can come together and just be.
If you have a story, poem, or any other original creative work that you’d like to share, we’d love to hear from you. Please write a short pitch describing your story idea or creative piece, and why it might be a good fit for The Journal.